Wednesday 6 January 2016

Class and status

Gossip Girl


In this clip, it starts off with mostly everyone in formal clothing.  As the clip starts, everyone is on head shots but the camera blurs one face out and focus' on the other as attraction is drawn to his outfit. This shows that they are in a high class as they are well dressed meaning that they are mostly in upper class, a mid and establishing shot is used to show this. There is a maid in the scene which suggest that they are upper class because they can afford for a maid. On the other hand the maid's outfit is a typical maid outfit out of cheap clothing, which this shows us that she is in working lower class. When she asks for a drink off the man, the man's body language towards her is awkward to show that she has spoken out of term for her position in the household, this is shown through a mid shot and a shot-reverse shot to show both of their reactions to each other. The maid's behaviour is different to what stereotypically is expected of her.


The clip starts with a tracking shot as it shows the area of where he lives as he walks, showing its roughness and scruffiness, showing no contrast to his image or costume at all. This shows that he is of lower class. His dialect consists of swearing and harshness of sound as he says words like "dickhead" which people in the lower class are known to say as part of their everyday language because of they are assumed to be uneducated.

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